Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

How to make pickles cucumber

How to make pickles cucumber

Ingredients Cucumber Pickles :
      *            3 pieces of cucumber, diced small
      *            3 stalks diced carrots too small
      *            10 pieces of green chilies
      *            10 small red onions
      *            50 ml of warm water
      *            2 teaspoons of salt
      *            2 tablespoons of vinegar
      *            2 teaspoons granulated sugar
How to Make Pickles :
      *            Enter the cucumber, carrot, chilli and red onion in a little warm water.
      *            Add salt and let stand for 1 hour.
      *            Enter the vinegar and sugar, mix well and serve cold.

NAME  : Rohmaniyah Al-wafa’
NO     : 30

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